Gallegos South
Forest Fuels Reduction
As a result of years of fire suppression, many North American forests are susceptible to catastrophic fires because they are denser and contain more fuel than they did historically. The fuel for catastrophic forest fires takes the form of overcrowded tree stands, dead and diseased trees, increased accumulations of surface fuels, and ladder fuels capable of carrying fire into the crowns of trees.
Markit! Forestry has completed a number of strategic forest fuels reduction projects. A completed project in El Paso County, Colorado, called for Markit! Forestry to mechanically remove dense Gambel Oak understory and masticate accumulated forest floor litter and woody debris.
The risk of a catastrophic forest fire was substantially reduced due to the reduction of forest fuels, including the removal of undesirable understory and the mastication of the accumulated litter and woody debris on the forest floor.
Markit! Forestry has completed a number of strategic forest fuels reduction projects. A completed project in El Paso County, Colorado, called for Markit! Forestry to mechanically remove dense Gambel Oak understory and masticate accumulated forest floor litter and woody debris.
The risk of a catastrophic forest fire was substantially reduced due to the reduction of forest fuels, including the removal of undesirable understory and the mastication of the accumulated litter and woody debris on the forest floor.